Sunday, June 7, 2009

Ralph Lauren ..Man Behind The Shirt

welum back Readers 2 day i want to take a step away from jus tellin you the items that Ralph Lauren has for us..

but rather WHO ralph Lauren realli is..

now we start off his name wasnt alwayz "Ralph Lauren" but rather "Ralph Rueben Lifshitz" and lived in the bronx born October,14th 1936

Mr.Lauren Graduated from Dewitt High school and was quoted as to one day wanting to be a millionaire.once upon grraduting frum HS he went 2 Barauch College in Manahattan for buisness. he dropped out 2 afta 2 yrs and went into the army. After his discharge in 1968, he married Ricky Low-Beer. He did not attend fashion school, but worked for Brooks Brothers as a salesman. In 1967, with the financial backing of Norman Hilton, Lauren opened a necktie store where he also sold ties of his own design, under the label Polo. He later purchased the name from Hilton. Lauren has since grown his fashion empire into a billion-dollar business.

and ever since mr.Lauren has introduced many new styles to the werld and made major contributions 2 the fashion as far as im concerned he wuz and will alwayz b one of the best designers in the werld!

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